As people and our population age, hopefully gracefully, the demands on the medical and care systems are only going to increase.
I met a 'friend' from Church today at the grocery store, he and his wife had moved his parents (Dad, was 91, just passed, Mom is 88) from Arizona where they were in a home up here to Central California into another facility. Apparently Dad and Mom, while together, functioned OK in the facility, but since Dad passed a month ago Mom has really taken a dive. He mentioned in two weeks he's moving her into a Residential Care Facility in Southern California; I don't know a recently widowed 88 year old is going to handle that move, I suppose with the Grace of God she will get by.
Mom's Chiropractor, here's a story. Mom started going to the 'family business' of he and his father 27 years ago after hurting her back picking up a TV set. Recommended by a couple of friends of mine, both Ph.D. level people, they're not stupid. Dad Chiropractor retired about 10 years ago, son kept the business/practice going. Two and half years ago his long-term office person was going to have bypass surgery (long term smoker) and never came home. Two years ago dad had a stroke so he was put into a long-term care home, left side affected. Dad died about six months ago, and his Mom died a month later. Chiro's wife's parents, her Dad died this year, her Mom is in a home now too. Between the Chiro and wife they've lost three parents in one year, had their oldest daughter move back home from college and the younger son depart for college. Talk about 'life change units'!
I've gotten Mom out for a couple of walks today, bright sunshine and cool weather. Don't know if it helps her, but it can't hurt.
Exercise always does fresh air.